


[摘要](font < 1)) font = 5; if (text == "") text="Moin!"; // button text ...
($font < 1)) { $font = 5; }
    if ($text == "") { $text="Moin!"; }// button text
    if ($textcolor == "") {// color for the letters
    switch ($button) {
    case "yellow":
    case "white":
    $textcolor = "black";
    if ($button == "") { $button = "blue"; }
    $textcolor = "white";
    } // textcolor end
    $im_info = getimagesize("$button.gif"); // button size
    if ($width == "") {
    if ($im_info == "") {
    $buttonwidth = 125;
    } else {
    $buttonwidth = "$im_info[0]";
    } else {
    $buttonwidth = $width;
    if ($heigth == "") {
    if ($im_info == "") {
    $buttonheigth = 30;
    } else {
    $buttonheigth = "$im_info[1]";
    } else {
    $buttonheigth = $heigth;
    $vmidth = ceil($buttonheigth / 2);
    // =====================================
    //     ===[ now lets define some colors ]===
    $white = "255,255,255";
    $black = "0,0,0";
    $blue = "0x2c,0c6d,0xaf";
    // =====================================
    //     =============[ build color array ]===
    // now we put the needed color into an a
    //     rray (if e.g. "$textcolor=white",
    // the array $textcolor_array represents
    //     "white")
    $textcolor_array = explode(",", $$textcolor);
    // =======================[ calculate po
    //     sition of the text on the button ]===
    do {
    $textwidth = strlen($text) * imagefontwidth($font);
    $x = ($buttonwidth - $textwidth) / 2; $x = ceil($x);
    $y = $vmidth - (imagefontheight($font) / 2);
    } while (($x < 0) && ($font > 0)); $font++;
    // =====================================
    //     ======[ now we create the button ]===
    if (isset($width)


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